We in Sweden are rather lucky when it comes to Disney Comics. This is a presentation of regular published Disney comic books available in Sweden. Not listed here are a number of titles which are published only once a year, or published without any regular schedule.
All Swedish Disney comics are published by Egmont Serieförlaget in Malmö. The information given describes the status of Swedish Disney publishing in November 2002.If you click on some of the cover pictures, you'll get a larger version of the picture. The titles of the comic books are also given in a direct translation into English.
Kalle Anka & C:o (Donald Duck & Company) is the oldest and largest of the Swedish Disney comics. In 1992 the average number of copies printed weekly was 200,400 which made it the largest comic book in Sweden. (Swedens population is about 8.8 million.) It's, as already mentioned, published weekly and has since no. 1 1997, 64 pages in normal comic book format (17 x 25 cm) printed on white, glossy paper. Every issue features Danish and American produced comics with the classical Disney characters. Often there's also some Dutch-produced comics. Current price: 21 SEK or 3.50 EUR. |
Musse Pigg & C:o (Mickey Mouse & Company) is a bimonthly published normal comicbook-sized (17 x 25 cm) comic printed on white fine paper. It has changed name several times since the start in 1951; Walt Disney's serier 1951-77, Kalle Anka Extra 1977-80 and with the present name since 1980. Contains mainly French and Danish comics. 40 pages. Current price: 24 SEK. |
Kalle Ankas Pocket (Donald Duck's Pocket) is published monthly and contains mainly Italian-produced Disney comics. It's as the titel tells, pocketbook-sized (12.6 x 18.8 cm) and has 256 pages. It has a more rough paper quality (much like the US Disney comics) than the normal-sized comics. The current number (November 2002) is issue 278. It's the only Swedish Disney comic that continues the numbering over the year-ends. Current price: 41 SEK. |
Stål-Kalle (Super-Donald) is another Swedish version of an Italian comic book. It's very different from the normal Disney style, and may best be described as a duck version of the "normal" superhero comics, but with a Disney touch. It could also be called Disney noir, due to its darker take on the ducks. The main character is Super Donald (Paperinik in Italian), Donald Ducks alter ego first created in 1969. The first issue came in March 1997, and the title is published monthly since then. It's in a big size format, 17,5 x 25,9 cm, has an excellent paper and coloring quality and 82 pages. Each issue holds one single long story, and an ongoing evolving subplot. All stories are made in Italy. Current price: 35 SEK. |
W.i.t.c.h. (W.i.t.c.h.) |
Oppfinnar-Jockes kluriga magasin (Gyro Gearloose's Ingenious Magazine) |
Nalle Puh (Winnie the Pooh) |
Nalle Puh Magasinet (The Winnie the Pooh Magazine) |
Disney Kul (Disney Fun) |
Ingen bild tillgänglig |
Mina djurvänner (My Animal Friends) |
No picture available |
Prinsessan (The Princess) |