TaleSpin Comic Stories
This is a incomplete listing of Disney's TaleSpin comic stories. Most of the entries are taken from the I.N.D.U.C.K.S. database. All corrections and additions are appreciated.
Comic stories in story code order
D 94054 Bye, Bye, Baloo (15p)
Plot: Bob Langhans
D 94070 Head Over Heals (15p)
Plot: Bob Langhans
D 94143 The Khan Job (15p)
Plot: Bob Langhans
F JM 91238 Pastèques et pataquès (15p)
Plot and story: François Corteggiani
F JM 91240 Super Noël (15p)
F JM 92201 Le faux coupable (15p)
F JM 92202: Le Hollandais volant (15p)
F JM 92203: Il ne faut pas jouer avec les amulettes (15p)
F JM 92206: Le pays de l'oubli (12p)
F JM 92207: Taupe Gun (12p)
F JM 92209: Silence, on triche! (12p)
F JM 92214: Vertiges (12p)
F JM-2113-1: no title (1/2p)
JB 005: The Why of the Beholder (?p)
Plot and story: Bobbi J G Weiss. Art: Horacio Saavedra. Ink: Robert Bat
Known publications: TaleSpin #1 (USA)
KB 0190: Take Off part one: Plane for Keeps (26p)
Plot and story adapted by Bobbi J G Weiss from tv-script by Mark Zaslove. Art: Cosme Quartieri. Ink: Carlos Valenti, Robert Bat
Known publications: TaleSpin Limited Series #1 (USA)
KB 0290: Take Off part two: Missed Deeds and Derring Don'ts (26p)
Plot and story adapted by Bobbi J G Weiss from tv-script by Alan Burnett. Art: Cosme Quartieri. Ink: Carlos Valenti, Barbero, Bat
Known publications: TaleSpin Limited Series #2 (USA)
KB 0490: Take Off part three: Khan Job (26p)
Plot and story adapted by Bobbi J G Weiss from tv-script by Len Uhley. Art: Cosme Quartieri. Ink: Carlos Valenti, Robert Bat
Known publications: TaleSpin Limited Series #3 (USA)
KB 0890: Take Off part four - Plunder and Lightning (26p)
Plot and story adapted by Bobbi J G Weiss from tv-script by Mark Zaslove. Art: Oscar F. Saavedra. Ink: Carlos Valenti, Robert Bat, Barbero
Known publications: TaleSpin Limited Series #4 (USA)
KJB 001-1: Flight of the Sky-Raker, part 2: Operation: Ravenwood (26p)
Plot and story: Bobbi J G Weiss. Art: Oscar F. Saavedra. Ink: R. Torriero, Mas Manos
Known publications: TaleSpin #2 (USA), Cartoon Tales #1 (USA, 1991), Disney Club (France, 199?, "L'oiseau de fer"), Disneys tv-serier (Sweden, 1993)
KJB 003-1: Idiots Aboard (26p)
Plot and story: Bobbi J G Weiss. Art: Oscar F. Saavedra. Ink: R. Torriero, Mas Manos
Known publications: TaleSpin #3 (USA, 1991), Disney Club Vacances #2 (France, 1991, "Deux débiles á bord")
KJB 005: Contractual Desperation (26p)
Known publications: TaleSpin #4 (USA), Cartoon Tales: Surprise In the Skies (USA, 1991/92)
KJB 007-1: The Old Man and the Sea Duck (??p)
Plot and story: Libby Hinson, adapted to comic book form by Bobbi J G Weiss. Art: Oscar F. Saavedra, Hector Saavedra. Ink: R. Torriero, R. Bat
Known publications: TaleSpin #5 (USA)
KJB 009-1: F'reeze A Jolly Good Fellow (24p)
Known publications: TaleSpin #6 (USA, 1991), Cartoon Tales: Surprise In the Skies (USA, 1991/92)
KJB 011-1: The Long Flight Home (24p)
Known publications: TaleSpin #7 (USA)
KJZ 007: no title (8p)
KJZ 009: no title (8p)
KJZ 016: no title (16p)
Plot and story: Jim Bricker. Art and ink: Jaime Diaz Studio
KJZ 024: no title (16p)
KJZ 034: no title (16p)
KJZ 088: no title (2p)
KJZ 091: no title (8p)
Plot and story: Janet Gilbert. Art and ink: Jaime Diaz Studio
Characters: Baloo. Kit
KJZ ???e: [see KZ 4990] (24p)
KQ 1990: Shine A Little Light (8p)
Plot and story: Cherie Wilkerson. Art: Cosme Quartieri. Ink: Ruben Torreiro
Characters: Baloo, Kit, Col. Spigot
Known publications: Holiday Parade #1 (USA)
KV 0990: Flight of the Sky-Raker, part 1: The Plane Facts (24p)
Plot and story: Bobbi J G Weiss. Art: Oscar F. Saavedra. Ink: Barbero, Bat, Valenti, Torriero
Known publications: TaleSpin #1 (USA, 1991), Cartoon Tales #1 (USA), Disney Club (France, 199?, "L'oiseau de fer"), Disneys tv-serier (Sweden, 1993)
KZ 1490: no title (8p)
KZ 1890: Doctor Doyen's Robotic Revenge (24p)
Plot and story: Luciano Gatto
Known publications: Colossal Comics Collection #3 (USA, 1992)
KZ 2890: no title (16p)
Plot and story: Doug Gray. Art and ink: Jorge Shanshez, Carlos Paura
KZ 3290: no title (8p)
KZ 4090: no title (7p)
KZ 4890: no title (16p)
KZ 4990: It's A Plunderful Life! (24p)
Plot and story: Bobbi J G Weiss. Art and ink: Luciano Gatto, Romano Scarpa
Characters: Baloo, Kit, Rebecca, Louie, Don Karnage, Dumptruck, Mad Dog, Gibber
Known publications: Disney Adventures 1-11
KZ 5490: no title (16p)
KZ 5990: no title (8p)
Characters: Molly, Baloo
KZ 6090: no title (14p)
KZ 7390: Catch of the Day (2p)
Known publications: TaleSpin #7 (USA, 1991)
M TDA 1-C: Welcome To Gumbeaux Bubble Gum Capital of the World! (8p)
Plot and story: Janet Gilbert. Art: Andres Klacik. Ink: Joe Messerli
Characters: Baloo, Rebecca, Molly
Known publications: The Disney Afternoon #1 (USA)
M TDA 4-C: Painting the Skies! (1p)
Plot and story: Roger Brown. Art: Cosme Quartieri. Ink: Michael James
Known publications: The Disney Afternoon #4 (USA)
unknown code: The Volcano of Gold (41p)
Plot and story: Regis Maine. Art and ink: Comicup Design Studio
Known publications: Colossal Comics Collection #5 (USA, 1992), Disney Club (France, 199?, "Le volcan d'or")
© 2001 Johan Rhen. All comics mentioned on this page are © Disney. This page is not in any way affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or any of their associated companies and subsidiaries. The author of this page may be contacted by the methods listed on the contact page.
Page last updated May 14, 2001